Rudy Giuliani's Honorary Degree May Be Revoked
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September 14, 2022

The College Fix reports that Syracuse Chancellor Kent Syverud is considering revoking Rudy Giuliani's honorary degree from 1989, because the student government passed a resolution demanding Rudy lose that honor.

"Syverud wants to see a vote by this November from the board of trustees on taking back Giuliani’s degree."

Good for Syracuse. What Giuliani did as as criminal as it gets and is in line with the Mafia kings that Rudy prosecuted to win the honor initially.

The circle of life?

Rudy Giuliani helped commit a crime against Americans and aided in an attempted coup to overthrow a duly elected president.

That's not even mentioning how he became a shadow State Department for Trump and tried to force Ukraine to either dig up dirt or make some up to smear Joe Biden. That resulted in Trump's first impeachment.

Syracuse isn't the only college to take Rudy out to the trash.

In August, Drexel University rescinded a 2009 Doctor of Law degree due to Giuliani’s “repeated unfounded claims of widespread election fraud,” according to a president’s message published by the university.The statement also asserted that Giuliani’s actions “significantly contributed to undermining the public’s faith in our democratic institutions and in the integrity of our judicial system, and stand in clear opposition to Drexel’s values.”

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