December 6, 2022

On his podcast, Charlie Kirk, the uneducated Christian Nationalist, reinterpreted Trump's call to throw the US Constitution in the wastebasket to make him president again.

Like Kellyanne Conway and Kayleigh McEnany before him, Kirk transformed himself into Trump's unofficial interpreter and used his own thoughts and beliefs as a window to Trump's addled brain.

Kirk said Trump did not petition to have the U.S. Constitution terminated. Sure...

"The language could have been more precise so that it would not be able to be misconstrued," Kirk said.

Poor Trump is so misunderstood.

"The way I read it, what he was saying, in my personal opinion, if we cannot have election then what's the point of even having a constitution. That is all designed around the premise of consent to the governing."

The USA did have an election. Trump got walloped by almost eight million votes. There was no election fraud and every court in the land agrees. Even Trump's hand-picked kangaroo Supreme Court refused to hear any cases involving the 2020 election.

"This is the former president who should still be president," Kirk said as if truth, facts and reality were on his side, or he could somehow speak it into reality.

Kirk sanctifies every lie Trump and his acolytes have spewed to keep the MAGA cult engaged. if it wasn't profitable the BIG LIE would have died.

To wrap up his rant, Charlie pretended Trump was an actual defender of the Constitution.

Kirk is just another another rung in the corrupt ladder of MAGA.

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