Don Jr 'Covers' The California Shooting With A Bottle Of White Whine
January 23, 2023

The son of traitor Trump played the conservative victim card after the massacre of ten people in a Monterey Park dance studio late Saturday night.

He tweeted out that the media is burying the story in California because a MAGA cultist didn't carry it out.

First off, there isn't much information about 72-year-old Huu Can Tran at this point. Yes, an AR-15 wasn't used this time, but we do know Tran used a "magazine-fed semiautomatic assault pistol, with an extended magazine attached which is illegal to possess in California.

There was wall-to-wall coverage of the shooting on and off cable news and local news networks. It occurred after 10 PM Saturday night.

Maybe it didn't get enough coverage for Don Jr. on Rumble, Fox News, or the Steve Bannon Network for US traitors.

But every day is Junior's day to play the white grievance victim card, no matter what it pertains to.

A "billionaire's" son, crying about 'elitism.' What a bad joke.

Junior Trump creates his own reality for his cult members, and isn't that what a good cult leader does?

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