The release of the police cam footage as well as the audio of the 911 call during the attempted kidnapping of Paul Pelosi and violent assault after police told him to drop the hammer proves one thing.
Republican liars are scumbags.
As soon as reports of Paul Pelosi's attack hit the wires, crazy right wing conspiracy theories immediately propagated on Twitter; making its way to websites and eventually on Fox News.
The monumentally stupid Gateway Pundit called the attack "another liberal lie." From there it spiraled in just a few days to Sen. Ted Cruz, Elon Musk and Don Trump Jr. (Just to name a few.)
Around the same time frame, Fox News host Sean Hannity claimed Pelosi's actions make no sense to him as he used this Daily Mail piece and other wingnuts as his source of information.
"But if somebody breaks into your house and you call the police and the police show up, is your reaction gonna be, you know, nonchalant and walk back into the hallway and not have any sense of urgency? Or are you gonna run out and say, this guy's trying to kill me, go get him, and run out of the house and let the professionals do their job? Especially if you don't -- if you don't believe in self defense. So, that's very strange. That does not seem like the normal reaction one would have," Hannity said.
Flash forward to Thursday evening, and Hannity along with moron Mark Geragos continued to help continued the spread of baseless smears of Paul Pelosi.
Asshole Geragos, without seeing the footage made these asinine remarks that now have been completely debunked just a few short hours later.
"And one of the reasons the District Attorney in my opinion has fought so hard not to release this is that it does not help the prosecution," Geragos said. "What I am told is that it's going to ask more questions than it answers once you see it."
Hannity followed it up by claiming he would have protected his home of an intruder broke in.
"And then the police show up, it doesn't seem like a natural reaction to say, 'oh come on in, guys,' casually and then the attack according to reports came in front of the police officers," Hannity said.
"So, that does not seem like normal behavior to me if you have an intruder in your house. The cops show up. You run out the door and tell him he is in there. The cops go in and do their job. Does that seem normal to you?" Hannity asked.
What's not normal, Sean? Media personalities like yourself, with no proof, promoting baseless lies and conspiracies to smear an 82 year-old man because he's married to a Democratic politician.
Today, after the video and audio was released, Fox News legal analyst Andy McCarthy praised Paul Pelosi's handling of a very volatile and violent situation.
Especially dealing with an irrational person.
"Mr. Pelosi has to confront that fact when he's under threat, and we're talking about an 82-year-old man who's under a threat like this in the wee hours of the morning, it's a lot to ask for someone to handle," McCarthy said. "He seemed to my mind viewing this, he seemed to have handled it exceptionally well for somebody who was under the kind of stress he was under."
And a big F.U. goes to Don Trump Jr as well. And Elon Musk.