On Wednesday, Fox News host Tucker Carlson turned back time over a thousand years to claim a woman's right to choose her medical care is actually based on an ancient religious human sacrificial rite.
What the hell, Tucker, did you lose a bet? Or just win one? "I'll bet you I can talk about ancient sacrifice and connect it to Democrats, and get an attaboy from my bosses. Pay up, buddy!"
The Fox News host claimed the Democratic party is simply in love with abortion, because they are adamantly furious over the kangaroo Supreme Court's overturning a 49-year-old precedent they claimed was sacrosanct.
"You are not defending a medical procedure; you wouldn't say that about an appendectomy, no," Carlson said. "You are promoting an ancient religious rite called human sacrifice."
Say, what?
"That's what this is," he said.
Supporting a woman's right to choose is not that, idgit.
Hard-line Christian nationalists will come up with any sick and twisted analogy, story or lie to attack a woman's right to choose. That includes using Satan, blood ceremonies, demons, and ancient rituals from the Druids, etc...
But what Tucker is really doing is providing a fake moral high ground for his audience, despite Trump, George Santos, Herschel Walker, etc. etc.