March 17, 2023

Lauren Egan, a top White House reporter for Politico, just published an article revealing startling abuse by Marianne Williamson towards her presidential campaign staffers in 2020. It turns out she may preach one thing about workers, but doesn't practice it with her own employees.

It's not as if we're not familiar with politicians who scream at staff and reduce them to tears, but it's especially notable with a candidate whose entire schtick is built around bringing love and kindess back to America.

Campaigns, even ones that are likely to lose, are still real pressure cookers. I'm pretty low key, but when I worked on a local mayoral race, I found myself slipping out to a nearby bar for a drink -- before noon. And I don't normally drink! So I can relate.

In this interview for Blue Amp, conducted by former Congressman Paul Hodes and former congressional staffer and campaign manager, Matt Robison, Egan provides the gory details.

But the interview isn't all New Age takedown. Egan also provides an inside view of how President Joe Biden is gearing up for his 2024 re-election campaign, including a first look at his political strategy for the all-important contest.

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