April 3, 2023

Sometimes an individual in Trump's orbit accidentally tells the truth. This time it's Joe Tacopina, Bloaty McBatshit's co-lead defense attorney in the Bragg case Brian Claypool, a prominent trial attorney and Fox pundit. In an interview with Fox News, he referred to Trump as "President Fraud." And, I have to say, he nailed it. Good on you, Brian.

People close to Trump told Rolling Stone that a number of the one-term President's other current lawyers have privately described Trump's attorney Joe Tacopina as "dumb" and a "loudmouth." Brian Claypool might qualify for that, too. At least he's honest.

The reactions to the clip are pretty funny.

He was just saying the quiet part out loud.

Editor's note: A previous version of this article credited the comment to Joe Tacopina, Donald Trump's current counsel, when it was Brian Claypool. We have updated the post to reflect this and regret the error.

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