April 21, 2023

Last week, we learned about the ultra MAGA wingnut Seth Weathers who was pandering to the anti-woke crowd by selling a "woke-free" near beer to counter the brouhaha over Bud Light.

Weather claimed that tons of people were putting in tons of orders and that he would be sending the first shipments out by May 11th. But Weathers has developed a problem, he no longer has a brewer to make his bigot beer:

Weathers seems to have hit a snag finding a brewery. The company he was so convinced would sell his anti-woke beer that he put its name on his website reportedly backed out after it saw how he was marketing it.

Mike Zoller, beer editor of PorchDrinking.com, first reported that Weathers attempted to tap Illinois-based Bent River Brewing Company to brew his anti-woke beer. Zoller also said that Bent River Brewing told him that Weathers used its name without permission.

“We were initially approached to possibly contract a beer for a customer,” the company reportedly said. “Without our knowledge our name was listed on a website for a brief period of time. When we were made aware of the marketing for the product, we chose to pass on producing it.”

Weathers might also be facing other problems since he had plastered the name of Bent River Brewing everywhere without their permission. It is very conceivable that the brewery might sue Weathers, especially if they suffer any type of sales loss due to the perceived relationship to Weathers.

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