April 26, 2023

The RuPublicans Instagram account has gained thousands of followers since it was launched on March 30. Now they're adding more to their creations of GOP leaders in drag, courtesy of @obscuriousmind at TikTok. MAGA: “Make America Glam Again”

Source: NBC News

The category is: Republican drag queen realness.

As the centuries-old art form of drag has taken a surprisingly central role in the modern-day American culture war, one drag-loving couple decided to take a creative approach to their activism: A parody Instagram account dedicated to artificial intelligence-generated portraits of Republican leaders in drag.

“We’re huge fans of drag, and we were bearing witness to the GOP’s anti-drag rhetoric and action, and we wanted to do something about it, so we said, ‘Let’s put the GOP in drag,’” said Craig, who created the RuPublicans Instagram account with his husband, Stephen. The men asked that their last names not be published due to concerns for their personal safety and security.

The name of the account, which launched March 30 and now has over 95,000 followers, is a nod to “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” the popular drag competition show. The RuPublicans account has posted portraits of 11 conservative heavy hitters so far, each given his own distinctive style and, of course, drag name. And while it might appear that these men each had their own glam team on hand, the images were purely created by Craig, Stephen and an AI text-to-image program called Midjourney.

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