April 12, 2023

We have some good news about our economy, which means that Republicans won't like it. Reports show that inflation in the U.S. rose +5% in March. That's a significant decline from 6% in February. This marks the 9th straight month of cooling inflation. Rent was "by far" the most significant contributor. For the month, inflation rose by just 0.1%.

Via CNN:

Prices are moving in a more palatable direction for U.S. consumers.

Annual inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index, dropped in March for the ninth consecutive month. And for the first time since September 2020, grocery prices fell on a monthly basis.

Prices rose 5% for the 12 months ended in March, down from 6% in February, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Wednesday. Annual CPI plunged to its lowest rate since May 2021, helped by year-over-year comparisons to a period when food and energy prices spiked amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

This is good news, but Republicans will find a way to poo poo all over the report.

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