May 1, 2023

Devin Nunes is joining the "Reawaken America" tour, aka Liars, Thieves And Crooks Tour, whose goal is to fire up what's left of TFG's base of voters - the QAnons.

Nunes will be joining the likes of Eric and Lara Trump, Michael Flynn and Roger Stone, along with the other former members of Cell Block D. They are so excited to have Nunes going along for a ride on the grifty train, that they even came up with his own theme song. Not only does it hype Nunes, it also takes shots at opponents like Ron DeathSanta and Nikkki Haley.

It's a sure thing to make the Top 40 list on Truth Social and back at the old cell block, but in my opinion, it needs a little work. It could use singers who can carry a tune and keep a beat. At the very least, it needs more cowbells. A lot more cowbells. Enough cowbells to drown the rest of it out.

Speaking of cowbells, there is no word about whether Nunes' cow will also be going on tour.

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