Republican presidential candidate Larry Elder argued that he should be the next commander-in-chief of the United States because he has written a syndicated column for years.
July 2, 2023

Republican presidential candidate Larry Elder argued that he should be the next commander-in-chief of the United States because he has written a syndicated column for years.

During an interview on Fox News, guest host Jason Chaffetz asked Elder why voters should select him over the other candidates.

"They should rally behind me because I've been talking about conservative issues for 40 years," Elder said. "I have a syndicated column. I've been writing articles about this, 1,200 articles altogether, half a dozen books altogether, 30,000 hours of radio over the last 30 years.

"You can trust me," he added. "I'm an America First guy."

Elder pledged to campaign for Donald Trump if the former president wins the Republican nomination.

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