October 10, 2023

There's only one thing I think most of us can agree with Republicans on lately. Nobody likes Florida Man Matt Gaetz. And it didn't help Republicans that he's turning their party into a circus bigger circus with the ousting of Kevin McCarthy from the Speakership. Gaetz is part of the Chaos Crew that exists to create mayhem. The crew only knows how to break things, not fix them.

Let's just say that Republican Rep. Mike Lawler isn't a fan of Gaetz either. CNN's Manu Raju spoke with Lawler, who didn't hold back.

"Matt Gaetz is, frankly, a vile person," Lawler told Raju. "He's not somebody who's willing to work as a team. He stands up there and grandstands. He lies directly to folks."

We've all been saying that for a while, but OK. At least they're catching on.

At least two GOP lawmakers have said Gaetz should be booted from the House Republican Conference, The Hill reports.

One of those is Lawler, who said on Tuesday that he would have hit Gaetz "square between the eyes" with the Speaker's gavel and added that he believes the Florida Republican should be kicked out of the conference.

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