Nancy Mace Embroiled In Messy 'Divorce' With Her Fiancé
Credit: Nancy Mace/Instagram
December 9, 2023

Seems before they tied the knot both put money into a swanky $3.9mil beachfront home and another home in D.C. Sometime last month though they finally broke up for good and now Mace and her former unmarried but joint-propertied beau are threatening legal action against one another.

Source: Daily Mail

For Republican Rep. Nancy Mace, it seemed like a match made in heaven.

The 46-year-old mother-of-two was stunned in May 2022 when her entrepreneur boyfriend Patrick Bryant got down on one knee and asked if she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.

But less than 18 months since that heartwarming proposal, can exclusively reveal that the couple have broken up and are now in the middle of a messy legal fight over multi-million-dollar homes they bought together.

According to four sources, the South Carolina lawmaker - who was one of the eight to vote former Speaker Kevin McCarthy out in a historic vote - split with Charleston software mogul Bryant last month.

Since they parted ways, their rift has deteriorated, and now they are fighting over a $3.9 million beachfront property with six bedrooms and a pool and a $1.3 million Washington, D.C., home they both have equity in.

Public records suggest neither Mace or Bryant have filed a lawsuit, though three sources familiar with the situation say Mace is expected to take legal action over the homes.

There's also this tidbit that probably no one wanted to hear.

While dating Bryant, Mace often openly discussed her sex life in the office, including in front of male junior staffers, according to three sources who recalled such comments in graphic detail to

'She frequently made sexual references in the office and discussed things that were not appropriate in a work environment,' one former senior staffer said.

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