May 10, 2024

Scumbag elitist Alex Jones was talking to rat fcker elitist Roger Stone, telling him how many of his dreams come true. But he had one that really scared him about Trump on a plane.

Stone claims he prays for Diminished Don's safety so not to to be outdone, Alex Jones took it to the extreme.

I've had a lot of dreams that come true, and I'm not saying it's going to come true, but I had a dream a week ago, and I had it again last night.

I'm not trying to get into a bunch of metaphysical stuff here, but I had the dream again last night.

I remembered almost all of it, and it was a bomb on the Trump jumbo jet, and it was in the dream me trying to warn Trump they're going to blow his plane up.

And I'm just saying that I had the dream last week.

I couldn't remember much of it.

I had it again last night.

I remember most of it, and the dream was me trying to desperately warn Trump.

I guess I'm doing it now.

He's got to check that airplane, and people say, oh, Jones is crazy.

No, they say they want to kill him.

That's the way they like to do it is, oh, an air disaster or poisoning.

We know Trump's been concerned about that. I said it six years ago.

It came out a few years ago that he is concerned. Roger, I mean, separate from a dream, what do they do historically when a politically corrupt elite is in trouble?

Their back's against the wall. They assassinate their enemy, like Julius Caesar.

They killed him.

I'm really concerned about that.

Did Jones have a waking dream about Sandy Hook?

The only people wanting to murder and assassinate their political rivals are Trump and his legal team so if anyone's in danger of being murdered, it's President Biden.

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