AZ Republicans Seem Nice. I'll Bet They're A Blast At Parties
Credit: Screenshot/AZ GOP Facebook page
May 22, 2024

The video clip below hit Xitter, and you can hear a man or woman at the Arizona Republican precinct committee meeting yelling, "No videotaping! No videotaping!"

Two women were beating the snot out of each other during the Happy Time Meeting. They looked my age. I was tryna picture me going at it with old Gladys down the street (there is no one named Gladys on this block. I made her up, k? Don't look at me like that) going at it. I would like to have a friend named Gladys, though—no particular reason.

Arizona is like a mental ward for Republicans. The old lady fight happened the same day that former Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward, Rudy Giuliani, and others pleaded not guilty in the 'fake electors' case.

Thankfully, according to a new poll, another crazy lady, Kari Lake, is 13 points behind Ruben Gallego in Arizona's Senate race.

So, maybe Arizona is taking out the trash. And sometimes, the trash takes itself out. Ask Kari Lake about that. Or Gladys. Fuck Gladys.

And another one.

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