May 30, 2024

In the glorious bit of video, Steve Bannon's program airing live on Real America's Voice captured people catcalling and cursing the newly convicted felon, Donald Trump.

Chants of "Fuck Trump" and "Lock him up" rang out in the Manhattan streets.

I believe, by the way, that we actually have the motorcade coming out here, so I'm going to make sure that we get the shots of that, Steve.

And for the audience here, for the audience, if you can't see it, this is President Trump at his motorcade coming out of the courthouse right now.

Lock him up!

Lock him up!

Lock him up!

Lock him up!

Fuck Trump! Fuck Trump!

(RAV muted the crowd as Bannon began talking.)

Bannon: Yeah. What you're seeing is President Trump's motorcade. That will head back up to Trump Tower. I believe President Trump's going to stay in Trump Tower. Maybe he might go to Bedminster.

We'll see one or the other. Can I have Rahim again?


You may hear, for the audience, you may hear a little bad language in the background, okay?

Fuck Trump! Fuck Trump!

Rahim, President Trump's leaving right now, heading up to either Trump Tower or over to Bedminster.

Continue on with your observations.

Yeah, and I apologize for the foul language of some of those around us.

Fuck Trump!

Real America's Voice was finally good for something.

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