The walkout caught the debate organizers off guard as Hand abruptly stalked off camera after one question. Moderator Donna Lowry asked: “You’re not staying, sir? You’re leaving?"
June 11, 2024

Sporting a Cat Power ballcap and denim shirt for his runoff debate with his Republican opponent in GA-02, Chuck Hand gave a prepared statement with a cockamamie reason for why he wouldn't be taking part and then left the televised debate.

But I suppose when these types of people see how contemptuous Trump is of democratic norms that they all want to emulate him. That seems to be what this is really about. Dragging us all down with them.

Source: Atlanta Journal Constitution

A Republican U.S. House candidate who served prison time for taking part in the Jan. 6, 2021, riot that mobbed the U.S. Capitol stormed off the stage Sunday minutes into an Atlanta Press Club debate.

But Chuck Hand didn’t bolt from the 2nd District Congressional debate because he was upset at a question over his role in the violent attack, which he’s embraced throughout his longshot campaign.

Instead, Hand told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution the pre-planned walkout was over his opponent Wayne Johnson’s attempt to highlight other criminal charges against Hand and his wife Mandy ahead of the June 18 runoff.

Pre-emptive strike.

Hand, a construction worker and first-time candidate, opened his remarks saying that he’s “not interested in debating the issues of the 2nd District with a man who doesn’t even reside in it, especially one who orchestrates attacks on my wife.”

(Johnson said he lives a few hundred yards outside the southwest Georgia district; U.S. House candidates aren’t required to live in their districts to run for congressional office.)

The walkout caught the debate organizers off guard as Hand abruptly stalked off camera after one question. Moderator Donna Lowry asked: “You’re not staying, sir? You’re leaving?”

And with that, he left.

Hand was referring to his wife's arrest on drug charges, spending a year in prison for felony oxycodone charge in 2008. He could also have mentioned his and his wife's arrest and subsequent prison sentence for January 6.

But, because he's a chucklehead, Hand then spent 20 minutes explaining to the press why he walked out.

And more about this stellar citizen who wants to represent Georgia's second congressional district.

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