June 21, 2024

With the cheap fakes being called out that the right-wing bubble has been circulating to paint President Joe Biden as unfit for office, Fox News's Brian Kilmeade is working hard to excuse some of the incredible WTF statements Donald Trump has been making.

Both Biden and Trump have the olds, but I'll go with the old guy who doesn't want to strip me of my bodily autonomy and whose central platform can be described in just one word: retribution. I have the olds, too. However, they have the older olds, but one of them wants to become a dictator, round up immigrants, and seriously weaponize the government against his perceived enemies. The other guy is the polar opposite, and he's earned a second term.

"People are talking about how Trump's losing it because Joe Biden's losing it too," Kilmeade falsely said. "Trump's kidding around. He's having fun."

"He's talking about Hannibal Lecter," he continued. "He's looking in the audience. He's playing around."

"And now people are going, Trump is losing it," he added. "No, he's having fun. And that's where he was picked up."

Sure thing, buddy.

Xitter users weren't having it.

Trump is bonkers. He's forgetting names and places, and it's a serious concern. Doesn't Kilmeade have a cheap fake of Biden to circulate?

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