September 29, 2024

Trump's rally in Wisconsin was about what you'd expect as he veered off topic through his speech, including how his "beautiful" beach body was better than President Joe Biden's, which is doubtful and not a concern for voters. Then he zeroed in on a small fly that was buzzing around near him at that venue.

To Donald, that fly wouldn't have gotten in the venue if he was President. It was as if Trump was blaming Biden and Harris for the fly at his rally, utterly unaware that flies are attracted to shit.

"Oh, there's a fly," Donald said. "Oh, I wonder where the fly came from. See?"

"Two years ago, I wouldn't have had a fly up here," he insisted. "You're changing rapidly. But we can't take it any longer. We can't take it any longer."

Xitter took him to the woodshed.

Republicans aren't sending their best. Some of them are rapists and felons.

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