August 2, 2024

MAGA is freaking out trying to come up with a viable attack plan against Kamala Harris so they've been shoveling sh*t against the wall.

Monica Crowley, who shares a last name with an infamous occultist did the honors today on Mornings with Maria.

CROWLEY: They are trying to sell her as Obama in a skirt, basically trying to create momentum around Kamala Harris based on identity politics, the fact she's a woman of color and would be the first woman of color president.

SUNSHINE: How is the Trump campaign planning to counter that kind of messaging?

Absolutely. Well, we're watching, as you just said, we're watching Kamala Harris get the Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama treatment from the liberal mainstream media and the Democrat Party.

The problem is, is that the liberal mainstream media and Democrat Party have the same blinders on that they had up way back in 2016.

It's almost the exact same playbook.

Barack Obama won two terms, so what's your point, Sunshine? How is this at all a problem? I'd say Kamala Harris is building on the success Barack Obama had.

Comparing Kamala Harris to a popular man is a good thing for her campaign.

Lest we forget, POLITICO reported that Crowley plagiarized numerous passages in her Ph.D. dissertation.
Harper Collins pulled her book in 2017 "over plagiarism revelations." She also religiously claimed President Obama was a secret Muslim and was a proponent of the birther conspiracies.

Monica Crowley fits the corrupt model of the MAGA cult to a tee.

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