July 29, 2024

During a Fox Business interview on Monday, Republican Utah Rep. Burgess Owens took a minute to blame Kamala Harris' candidacy on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies, and he needs to read the room. Burgess basically called Harris a DEI hire, and that's not going to win over any voters for the felon since his party has made fools of themselves by calling Harris a "DEI hire."

Still, he persisted.

"If she was a white person, she would not be sitting in the place she's sitting in right now," Burgess said. "She's Black. She's a woman. It has DEI to the core, and they need to own up to it."

Host Stuart Varney opined that it might help if Trump tones down his language.

"I think what we should do is let's look at the message: are we trying to get our country back on course," Owens insisted.

"But hold on a second," Varney shot back. "I mean, I've been out and about over the weekend. And when Donald Trump called Kamala Harris dumb, that was a profound mistake, in my opinion."

"Women react to that kind of thing," Varney said. "And so they should."

At that point, Burgess brought up the rally shooting to deflect from the fact that Trump has insulted women for years. Women and friends of women are reacting to their rights being taken away after having to take a backseat to men for their entire lives. As far as Trump calling Harris "low IQ" and "dumb," Kamala didn't lash out on Xitter. She knew this was coming, and she was meant for this moment, just as Biden was meant to take on Trump in 2020.

"Women, you have to treat them like shit," Trump said in a New York magazine interview in 1992. Apparently, he still hasn't learned a damn thing. Burgess should shit-talk about abortion, too. His party is unusually quiet about wanting to make women's deeply personal decisions for them. Speaking of treating women "like shit," it's a permanent fixture with the GOP.

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