July 22, 2024

Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy said one of her daughters was facing fears of a right-wing plan called Project 2025.

During a Fox & Friends Weekend discussion, host Pete Hegseth noted that Trump had disavowed the plan created by dozens of former Trump advisers and officials at the conservative Heritage Foundation.

"People who used to work for President Trump, who worked on some of what happened at Heritage," Fox News host Shannon Bream noted. "But the second thing I would say is a lot of the things that are said about Project 2025 are actually not true."

"But they do say, yes, we embrace some stuff that people are going to think is sort of radical," she explained. "We want to get rid of, say, for example, the Department of Education."

Bream claimed the project was "grassroots conservatism" even though it was developed by one of the most prominent right-wing think tanks.

"It's very effective," Campos-Duffy agreed. "That's what the Democrats are doing."

"I have a daughter who's friends with a lot of, you know, early 20, you know, young adults," she added. "And she was getting calls saying, I'm scared about Project 2025."

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