July 30, 2024

Via Fox News, icky Leonard Leo complains that the proposed SCOTUS reforms would "politicize the institution." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Conservative activist Leonard Leo says President Biden's efforts to overhaul the Supreme Court may be an effective way to energize his political base, but he should also watch out for less progressive voters being reminded of what's at stake in November.

"It's a good political ploy. It certainly will help to energize a Democrat base that's reeling from a lot of disorder and uncertainty lately," Leo told Fox News Digital. "But ultimately, these are the kinds of proposals that, I think, not likely to be adopted, but if ever adopted, they would really politicize the institution.".

He knows what he did, and he knows how he did it. It's just that he's used to Dems politely looking the other way instead of taking action, and he can't believe things have changed.

Go away, Leonard Leo. You're a weird little man who's obsessed with imposing your religious beliefs on this secular nation.

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