“On Friday, June 28, TSA officers at IAD (the three-letter code for Dulles) detected a .380 caliber firearm during passenger security screening."
July 2, 2024

With any luck at all, Rep. Spartz will do this on her next vacation to the Turks and Caicos Islands. Americans carrying or trying to carry firearms onto planes is getting really, really old.

Source: WISH, Indianapolis

(WISH) — U.S. Rep. Victoria Spartz has been charged with a weapons violation at Dulles International Airport in Washington, D.C.

A spokesperson for Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority confirmed to I-Team 8 that Spartz was charged Friday. The spokesperson says Spartz received a summons to appear in a court in Virginia.

A spokesperson for the Transportation Security Administration told I-Team 8, “On Friday, June 28, TSA officers at IAD (the three-letter code for Dulles) detected a .380 caliber firearm during passenger security screening. The firearm was unloaded and in the individual’s carry-on bag.”

Her office issued a statement last Monday afternoon.

“Last Friday, Rep. Spartz accidentally carried an empty handgun in her suitcase with no magazine or bullets, which she did not realize was in the pocket of her suitcase, while going through security at Dulles airport. Rep. Spartz was issued a citation and proceeded on her international flight to the OSCE PA meeting in Europe.”

Victoria Spartz in happier times.

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