July 10, 2024

Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, one of the most destructive elements in this country for decades now, claims Hunter Biden is involved in running the US government which may benefit China.

TOM FITTON: ...and who knows who he's working for still.

But it's one thing for him to be in there talking about a speech, but why should we be assured that that's the limit of his involvement in Joe Biden's governance?

We should just presume he knows everything and is involved in the decision-making about how this country is being run.

And the question is, who's benefiting?

The Chinese, the Russians, the Ukrainians in Burisma?

Who knows?

The question should be, when will Fitton be in jail to join his partner in sedition, Steve Bannon?

Thanks to his lamebrain counsel, Traitor Trump finds himself enmeshed in the top secret documents Mar-A-Lago indictments, because taking classified documents after one leaves office is not an "official act."

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