July 29, 2024

Democrats no longer adhere to the 'When they go low, we go higher' slogan. Instead, and rightfully so, Democrats are thinking, 'When they go low, we'll kick them in the nuts.' And that's politics. Sometimes, you have to give back to the couch-fucking party precisely what they're dishing out.

However, none of us have stooped to the juvenile pettiness of Donald J. Trump, who is still shopping around for a nickname for Kamala Harris. Vivek Ramaswamy, who was trying to win the GOP nomination, is now stumping for his Trumpy bear. Vivek isn't happy with Democrats calling Republicans, such as Weird J.D. Vance, 'weird,' and wants our side of the aisle to stop acting so juvenile.

Sure thing, buddy. We need to act as mature as the felon who called Stormy Daniels "horseface" or appeared to make light of the Trail of Tears:

Or, more recently, when Trump called Kamala Harris "human garbage,""a bum," and "a low IQ individual."

Xitter users poured in:

You're weird, too, Ramaswamy:

Can you help us out?

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