August 1, 2024

Fred Trump III has been making the media rounds to promote his book, "All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way." Fred is Donald Trump's nephew, and he's been dishing the dirt of the former President, including that his uncle used the n-word and wrote that Donald said that people like his physically disabled son should "just die."

Fred endorsed Kamala Harris, and Eric Trump posted a bizarre reaction on Xitter. I don't think Eric knows what love is. Just a hunch! Typos and the attempt to form sentences are his.

"It's disappointing that after decades of unwavering love, support, golf memberships, family vacations and millions of dollars in support for his wonderful son, Fred Trump has decided to 'cash in' less than a 100 days before an election," Eric wrote. "I have signed the checks and witnessed first-hand as my father, and our family, has provided endless financial support so that Fred's son could receive the best possible medical care."

"To read this garbage and see that he has now followed his troubled sister simply earn a quick buck is disgusting, disheartening and a prime example of 'no good deed goes unpunished,'" he added.

I didn't know that golf memberships are a form of love and support in a family. That might explain why Donald has been comparing his golf game to President Joe Biden's, even though Trump is known to cheat at golf.

Xitter had a field day.

It's a shame that Eric is so broken, and his brother, Don Jr., is a coke-head (allegedly!), and yet, no one in that godforsaken garbage family will get him the help he so direly needs. And no one doubts that the felon used the n-word. We saw his reaction to the Q&A at the Black Journalists Convention You know he wanted to say the word. But sure, it's the childless cat ladies who are weird.

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