September 7, 2024

What a great idea! Democrats are getting Project 2025 out to college football games today, where it will get even more coverage. Via the Associated Press:

Now, they will take their campaign against the conservative Project 2025 blueprint, written by allies of Republican Donald Trump, to the skies above college football stadiums in key swing states.

Democratic National Committee -sponsored banners pulled by small airplanes will fly Saturday over Michigan Stadium, where the defending national champion Wolverines have a marquee matchup against Texas, and at-home games for Penn State, Wisconsin and Georgia.

Vice President Kamala Harris and her allies have spent months warning about Project 2025, betting that the initiative makes Trump seem especially extreme. More than 900 pages and produced by the conservative Heritage Foundation, the plan lays out how Trump in his second term might do everything from firing tens of thousands of federal workers to abolishing government departments to imposing new restrictions on abortion and diversity initiatives.

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