September 9, 2024

Yesterday, ESPN reported that Miami Dolphins star receiver Tyreek Hill wound up in handcuffs and on the ground on his way to the stadium before Sunday's game when he was pulled over for speeding which turned into a verbal altercation.

Adam Schefter broke the story on ESPN.

SCHEFTER: A short time ago, police detained Dolphins wide receiver Tyreek Hill on his way into the stadium for what I'm told was a moving violation. He happened to be with his agent, Drew Rosenhaus at the time, and Drew Rosenhaus says that Tyreek Hill will be playing.

But there is the video of Tyreek Hill being led away in handcuffs there with police on the way to the Jaguars game this morning

I guess the police were Jacksonville fans or hating on a Black man driving an expensive car...?

The traffic incident happened about one block away from the stadium, the team said. Several teammates saw the incident and stopped to offer support, according to the team.The Miami-Dade Police Department released a statement from Director Stephanie V. Daniels, who requested an "immediate review" of the incident.

"We are aware of the recent detainment of Miami Dolphins player Tyreek Hill by Miami-Dade Police Department officers," she said in the statement. "I have requested an immediate review of all details surrounding the incident, and we are also reviewing available body camera footage."

Daniels later announced that one of the officers involved in Hill's detainment was placed on administrative duties during the investigation.

Hill was finally released and scored an 80 yard touchdown pass to help Miami beat Jacksonville 20-17.

I would love to see the body cam of this incident.

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