October 24, 2024

During a campaign rally on Tuesday, Minnesota Governor and Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz had a good time describing Trump's degenerative ramblings.

Demented Trump tried to defend his incoherent verbiage, weird stories, and rambling nonsense as a very targeted weave to his thinking.

No one believed that.

"He has been rambling more than the normal rambling," Walz said. "He calls it 'the weave.' "

"Donald, come on," he continued. "We know there's only one weave that you know anything about and it is not this."

Walz then slyly transitioned into Trump's cowardice for refusing a second debate with Kamala Harris.

"He's ducked a debate, but you can't blame him," Walz announced. "When you get your ass whipped that hard, you don't come back for seconds."


Walz hit the daily double with that one.

Trump is a coward.

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