October 20, 2024

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) threw an angry on-air fit Sunday after retired Gen. Mark Milley called former President Donald Trump "fascist to the core."

During an interview on Meet the Press, host Kristen Welker quoted the retired four-star general from a recent Bob Woodward book.

"He told Bob Woodward in a new book, quote, no one has ever been as dangerous to this country as Donald Trump. Now I realize he's a total fascist, a fascist to the core," Welker explained. "Why shouldn't voters trust Donald Trump's top general on this, Senator?"

"You know what I fear?" Graham exclaimed. "I fear four more years of Biden-Harris policy."

"To General Milley, you have a right to your opinion, but I don't fear Donald Trump!" he continued. "If you want the world to stay on fire, vote for [Kamala Harris]."

"But Senator, but you've known General Milley for years. You've said you have deep admiration and total confidence," Welker pointed out. "John Kelly, his former chief of staff, has said that former President Trump was telling him to go after his opponent repeatedly. Here he was, he was always telling me that we need to use the FBI and IRS to go after people."

"These are Democratic talking points," Graham griped. "It was their decision to stop energy production, making us more energy independent."

"Senator, US is making more energy than ever before," Welker pushed back.

Graham insisted that "the generals" had been wrong about Trump.

"I know — But they worked for President Trump," Welker said. "These are former Trump administration officials."

Graham grew angry as he addressed "every Republican supporting" Vice President Kamala Harris.

"What the hell are you doing?" he shouted. "You're supporting the most radical nominee in the history of American politics."

"What are you doing? You're trying to convince me that Donald Trump's rhetoric is the danger to this country?" the senator ranted. "The danger to this country is the policies of Biden and Harris."

"And I can't take four more years of this crap! You support her, you're supporting four more years of garbage policy!"

Welker tried to move on with the interview, but Graham continued to yell.

"So what the hell are you doing as a Republican blessing this stuff?" he exclaimed.

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