Many Americans were roasted for observing that Donald Trump acted like a Russian agent. Now a former Russian intelligence agent confirms what many suspected: Trump is a Russian plant recruited by the KGB since the 1980s. Former Russian agent Alnur Mussayev alleged Trump was given the codename “Krasnov.”
The Byline Times and the Daily Beast reported on the ex-Russian agent Alnur Mussayev's confession in a social media post.
Mussayev said that Trump had been recruited by the KGB and "brought into the fold" in 1987. The former Russian intelligence agent spilled that the Trump family's code name is ‘Krasnov." Mussayev wrote another shocking detail, confessing that the ‘Krasnov’ family files are currently being "privately managed by one of Putin’s close associates.”
The Byline Times vetted the former Russian intelligent chief's story. The outlet reported that Mussayev's information aligned with other former Soviet spies who now live in the United States:
"Yuri Shvets, another former Soviet spy residing in the US, claims that the USSR cultivated Donald Trump since the 1970s, supporting his political ambitions and flattering him. According to him, Trump became a target of Soviet and Czechoslovak intelligence in 1977 after marrying Czech model Ivana Zelníčková."
Are you sitting down?
A Twitter user shared that Guardian reporter Luke Harding explained on a podcast that the Russians and the Trump family were extremely close. The Guardian journalist told the pod:
"The security agents felt so close to the Trump family they discussed sending one of the kids a nice present when the child broke his leg."
The Beast reported that the former Russian spy chief commented on this Facebook post:
“I hope I’ll survive a third assassination attempt."
The Masks Came Off This Week
But after this week, it's hard to deny that America's president and likely most of the Republican party are compromised. This week Trump, and Rubio abandoned Ukraine while Vance blew up the 80 year alliance with European allies in Munich.
My West Texas daddy taught me:
"If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, swims like a's a duck."
Update: It looks like The Daily Beast took down their story, per The Daily Kos. Please read more over at The Byline Times.