Farmers are some of the hardest working people in America. They literally work the land and tend to animals to bring food and other products to the people. It is hard work - long hours, physically demanding work, little to no days off. They deserve all the help they can get from the government.
Sadly, most farmers vote Republican...and this time it may really come back to bite them in the tuchus. One such farmer, Rebecca Carlson, had planned to use a USDA grant to hire international workers for her cherry harvest. But, Trump's funding freeze has demolished her finances and may make hiring those workers impossible.
NBC is reporting that Carlson was hopeful after the election. She thought things would improve on her 1,300 acre Michigan farm.
A family farm, she had encountered difficult times in the last few years related to the higher cost of fuel, fertilizer and other expenses. Additionally, the weather wiped out her crop last year. So, she thought Trump would reverse things for her. Why, I do not know.
She said: “I was expecting to see a drastic turnaround for the better for my farm because the Republicans have always been for the American farmer."
Because no one stands up more for farmers than people raised in country clubs, surrounded by housekeepers and butlers, who literally pooped in gold toilets and have never once had dirt under their nails.
Back to Carlson. Her farm grows cherries. The prices increased during Trump's first term after he made some policies related to overseas crops, so she hoped to see the same profit this time around. Instead, she is being hit by "widespread government funding freezes, jeopardizing her ability to hire the workers she needs for this season's harvest. It could leave her $200,000 in debt if she's unable to access the grant money that had been awarded to her farm."
She is a proud Republican and I bet that no matter what happens with Trump and his horrific policies, she will still vote Republican. Because some people never learn. Farmers and rural voters are the most reliable voting block for Republicans, even though Democratic policies tend to help farmers more.
Between cuts and funding freezes, everyone is affected, from seniors, to students with special needs to farmers. Trump, co-President Elon and the billionaire cabinet do not care at all. They are getting rich while the rest of the country suffers. YAY, tax breaks (for the rich).
FAFO. "Fucketh around and ye shall findeth out" - A Twitter User in 2024