With all the regular anchors out for the holiday week, Ann Coulter is gleefully stepping up to help lead the parade of right-wingers bashing President Obama for his supposedly weak response to the threat of terrorism. That's been the primary subject of every single Fox prime-time show, in fact, and not a single defender of the president could be found on any of them.
But Coulter, guesting on the Glenn Beck show, went the extra mile by resurrecting the Obama-is-a-closet-Muslim smear that was so popular during the election:
Coulter: I think if you polled Americans after 9/11, they would have said, 'Drop the political correctness when it comes to boarding airplanes.' And, um, like I say, Obama can be doing more than Bush. He is specially situated that way, as having gone to madrassas as a child. Um, not being a white male, which is the height of political incorrectness.
Ah, yes, some lies are just too good to let die a normal death:
Obama lived in Indonesia as a child, from 1967 to 1971, with his mother and stepfather and has acknowledged attending a Muslim school, but an aide said it was not a madrassa.