Glenn Beck's Sunday program was fetid little cauldron of wingnuttery featuring Michelle Malkin and that Ayn Rand fan, Stephen Moore. Fortunately, the blonde Fox political analyst, Kirsten Powers, managed to work in the only voice of sanity.
Beck has already gone off whatever rails Fox might have had in mind for him this week, but on Sunday he made a special effort to weave it all together for us: America is doomed because liberals are going to destroy the economy now and Mexico is going to invade us or something.
Beck: Let's say Mexico collapses. All right, now you've got out-of-control Zetas on our border, you've got Texans who are already -- we're missing 70 of them that have been kidnapped on the border, most people -- you don't know, do ya?
Powers: I think you sound like coocoo for Cocoa Puffs.
I mean, what are you talking about? We're going to be invaded by Mexico?
Beck then puffs himself up and condescends to Powers for the rest of the segment, while Malkin swoops in with a sneer or two, and Moore actually sides with Powers.
Well, as we already mentioned, Mexico is indeed having serious problems with the power of drug lords, but it is not on the verge of collapse -- particularly not, as Beck argued earlier in the week, because of the decline in remittances from America (which only constitute about 2% of the Mexican GDP).
Beck may raise some eyebrows over his first few weeks on Fox, but the impending-apocalypse schtick -- which is clearly where he's taking the show -- gets real old real fast. Especially because the people who rely on them constantly have to dream up new looming apocalypses and try to make you forget the last one that didn't pan out. Problem with that is, audiences always remember.