Chris Matthews hosted Joe Conason of the New York Observer and Dominic Carter of NewYork1 on Hardball today to talk about Caroline Kennedy filling Hillary Clinton's seat as the U.S. Senator from New York, and Carter reported this:
In terms of Governor Patterson, what I am hearing, Chris, is that this is -- the bottom line here -- a done deal. That it's hers if she wants it. She's going through, if you will, this tour of the state. As far as that poll you mentioned, Andrew Cuomo, the attorney general of this state, he may be up at this point because he has the advantage because he has actually been out there before New Yorkers as the state attorney general for almost two years. And I would venture to say that her numbers might be higher if New Yorkers knew more about her. But from what I am hearing, this is a done deal, in terms of if she wants it.
Conason then notes that if Carter "says it's a done deal, then I think maybe it is."
We'll see in the coming weeks and months whether she deserves it.