Unless you spent most hours of the day dialing around your Shortwave Radio, you probably might have missed this. If you never listened to shortwave, even as a kid, you probably never heard this. But Radio Moscow had regular English language broadcasts for several hours a day, beamed at us and whoever else in the English speaking world cared to tune in.
This particular broadcast comes from March 16, 1947 and features news from Radio Moscow and a review of the Soviet Press on news of the day.
If you read yesterday's entry regarding the Cold War, this would probably make a lot of sense to you because it's the Soviet version of what was reported in the American press for that day.
The Big Four Conference. Repatriation of German prisoners in Russian camps. The flap over U.S. foreign aid to Greece and Turkey, charges of Imperialism directed at the Truman Administration and a huge dose of the cultural goings on in Russia.
All fascinating stuff if you have even a passing interest in the Cold War period and were wondering what "the evil Empire" was up to.
Well now you know.
Since it's Shortwave it makes for some frustrating listening as the signal gets a little buried in noise. But it's all there and, for history, you just can't beat it.