This particular September 2nd in 1995 was a day pretty much all over the map as far as history went.
Starting with the Oklahoma City Bombing trial of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. The Government wanted the trial moved away from Oklahoma City, given the charged amount of publicity it had already gotten. In the scandal department, Congressman Mel Reynolds (D-Ill.) was planning on resigning in light of his conviction for having sex with an underage girl. Reynolds went on Larry King Live to play the victim card, but the real victim told him to get a grip. Yet another in the endless series of failures to collectively keep it in your Congressional pants.
China got an earful with regards to harassment during the annual Womens Conference held that year in . . yep, Beijing.
The Jury in the OJ Simpson trial got another day to sit around and stare at the walls, thanks to endless bickering between Prosecution and Defense over the Mark Fuhrman tapes. The sequestered jury was heading into their 8th month of the circus. NATO extended their breather in the air-bombing of Bosnia, even though Serb forces were still active in the siege of Sarajevo. The Horror Show that wouldn't end for a while.
Infinity Broadcasting had to fork over $1.7 million in fines for on-air blueness from Howard Stern. And Cleveland went into an orgy of Air Guitars over the opening of the Rock N' Roll Hall Of Fame and Museum off Lake Erie. Attendees were beside themselves in back slapping while John Fogerty of Creedence Clearwater, one of the first inductees, remarked that he thought he needed to be dead first.
And so it went, via The CBS World News Roundup for this September 2, 1995.
And I'll bet you forgot, didn't you?