With the recent release from a 14 year sentence of house arrest, Pro-democracy dissident, Nobel Peace Prize recipient and movement spokesperson Aung Sang Suu Kyi, ABC Radio National in Australia ran a 1996 interview with Suu Kyi just after her brief first release from house arrest in 1996 and just prior to her second arrest and second stint under house arrest which lasted until the 13th of this month.
Aung San Suu Kyi: “I hope that there will be no more uprisings of the kind that happened in 1988 because it is the people who suffered as a result. But of course I am not an astrologer, I do not believe that I can foretell the future. So I cannot say for sure what will happen and what will not happen. But it is true that people are suffering a lot from forced labor. And the people of a country where there is no rule of law suffer from all kinds of frustrations and resentments.”
Hopefully, her freedom will be permanent this time.