Here's Dave Dayden's take from yesterday on what might be going on during these negotiations over raising the debt limit -- Another Yo-Yo Trick: White House Floats, Then Denies, All-Cuts Deal.
I don't know how this is going to play out, but I do know I feel like I'm living through some re-air of the Twilight Zone just watching our politicians play a dangerous game of chicken this close to defaulting on our nation's debt when this fiasco is one of their own making.
I'm also disgusted that Bernie Sanders is one of the few people speaking out about the inequity in our society as he did here again with Keith Olbermann last night. So far as Bernie noted, nothing he's heard about what's going on during these meetings addresses that and they're looking to balance the budget on the backs of the poor and the elderly if the leaks coming out are true.