Here's more evidence that Chris Matthews should just quit mindlessly blathering the first thoughts that come into that head of his without thinking it though on the air. Matthews apparently thinks that women are mindless idiots who are going to vote for a woman who represents everything they stand against, just because they're a woman and that former Hillary Clinton voters would ever want to vote for the likes of Christine O'Donnell just because they think there should be more women in the Congress.
MATTHEWS: Rachel I have to say the power of women voters... you've got to look at it. Step back from the ideology and the cultural issues. There are an awful lot of women that felt frustrated by Hillary Clinton's failure two years ago and I'm telling you it's cropping up, I hear it, and I hear anecdotally I admit, but I really... look at this picture here. These are women and they may be conservative women, but they're women none the less and they may be joined by other women who just feel it's time for more women to win these offices. And I wouldn't put that apart from the general election calculus right now.
Thankfully Rachel Maddow was there to set him straight. Had she not been, I think Tweety would have gone full PUMA on us during their election night coverage and repeated even more of Christine O'Donnell's nonsense from ClusterFox this week where she said that "Hillary Democrats back her". Note to Tweety. Turn off Fox. And Democratic women are not going to vote for some teabagger extremist anti-masturbation wingnut just because they think more women should be elected to the Congress or because some of them are still upset about Hillary Clinton not getting elected. You need to let your obsession with Hillary go for Christ's sake.
This is almost as pathetic as his constant blathering about whether she's going to change places with Biden and take the VP spot so she can run for President again even though she's repeatedly denied it.
And last but not least, thank you Rachel for setting him straight to the point where he had to change the subject and try to make it about voter enthusiasm, which is not what you called him out for and rightfully so.
And for anyone that thinks I'm being too hard on him or give him too much grief week after week -- when the press and the right wing blogs start admitting that Chris Matthews is not a liberal and quit using the stupid crap that comes out of him mouth to trash liberals while pretending like he's one of us, I'll quit hammering him quite so badly. All this man does is give fodder to those who want to distort what a liberal point of view is and pretend like Matthews represents it. He doesn't. He's a Villager. And if he had managed to get elected to the Senate had he decided to run, he'd have been another DINO corporate "centrist". I'm still not quite sure where he could have done more damage.