Sarah Palin walked into some more friendly territory on Fox News and told Greta Van Susteren that President Obama has not acknowledged the sacrifice our troops have made. Palin seems to have a bit of selective amnesia on this topic, doesn’t she? Not that Van Susteren was going to point that out. The entire interview was such a word-salad tsunami of talking points it was hard to listen to.
Palin: The worst thing, you know, I think there's been a lack of acknowledgement by our President in understanding what it is that the American military provides in terms of obviously the safety, the security of our country--the comment made the other night you know about you know the troops make for a good photo op and I'm giving you guys a raise and that's the applause line you need.
Van Susteren: What do you want from him?
Palin: I want him to acknowledge how the sacrifices that these individual men and women our sons our daughters our moms our dads our brothers and sisters are providing this country to keep us safe--this service that they are providing that is to something greater than self; they are making sacrifices they are putting so much on hold right now so that the homeland can be safe and they can fight for democratic ideals around our world. I want to see more acknowledgement and more respect given to that.
Palin went on with more of the "President Obama needs to listen to his Generals" nonsense--as though they make policy rather than follow it. And we need to "win" in Afghanistan which of course Palin has no definition for other than basically "whatever the Generals say".