Rachel Maddow talks to Eugene Robinson about whether the Republicans rank hypocrisy on claiming they want bipartisanship while being the party of no, co-sponsoring bills that they later vote against and claiming credit for the good legislation they voted against is ever going to make them embarrassed enough about their actions to get them to stop. As Rachel notes if they are going to continue this, they should not be taken seriously because they do not care about policy. They care about playing politics.
As John noted, even the American public is getting tired of the filibuster if they have the concept explained to them since so much of the public doesn't know what the word means. Whether they ever pay a price at the polls is another matter. I don't know why the Democrats haven't adopted the same language the Republicans used when they were in the same boat -- "up or down vote". The public understands that and it gives the largely lazy press a sound byte to play instead of them being allowed to act like needing sixty votes to get anything passed in the Senate is normal, Rachel being one of the few exceptions.