On this Tuesday evening's edition of Hannity on Fox, Rep. Keith Ellison let Hannity have it when he made an appearance directly following one of Hannity's fearmongering video mashups, with President Obama speaking about the sequester and the damage the spending cuts might do to the economy, with O Fortuna playing in the background. Ellison was shocked by what he just watched, which Hannity asked him to respond to as soon as he came on.

HANNITY: I guess that's what we could describe as "staying on message." Something the Democratic party, I would argue, is very good at. Let me ask you...
ELLISON: You're pretty good at it too.
HANNITY: I... I... well thank you.
ELLISON: Quite frankly, you are the worst excuse for a journalist I’ve ever seen.
HANNITY: I am the what? I didn't hear you.
ELLISON: You heard me.
HANNITY: Say it again. I didn't hear you.
ELLISION: What you just displayed was not journalism. It was yellow journalism. It wasn’t anything close to try to tell the American people what’s really going on. I mean it’s just shocking.
HANNITY: Yellow journalism?
ELLISON: You. Yes.
And everything went downhill (or uphill, depending on your view) from there. Ellison called Hannity a "shill" for the Republican party, which Hannity denied, saying he's a "Registered Conservative.©" (I wasn't aware we had a "Conservative party" other than the Republican party, but whatever.)
Of course, Hannity didn't take too kindly to the fact that he was called out for doing what he does daily on Fox, which is just that -- shilling for Republicans and for lying to his viewers day in and day out.
After several more minutes of the two of them arguing about the sequester and who is responsible for our budget deficit and Hannity still laying that at the feet of President Obama, Hannity finally cut off Ellison's mic, saying that his "audience deserves better."
UPDATE: I did not include Hannity's intro in the segment above. To see the piece of garbage Rep. Ellison was reacting to, here's how Hannity opened up his show: