Why donate to C&L? Well, why have over 332,654,53 unique visitors (over 520,413,518 page views) come over to our site?
One reason is that C&L is the first blog ever to integrate audio and video into our coverage. We came way before Youtube.com. Now, almost every website uses audio and video in some capacity. I knew putting up video for our readers to watch would be powerful because I realized just putting up some transcribed quotes from politicians, pinheads and the Commentariat didn't capture the emotion or true nature of what they were saying. And it also proved ownership to those quotes with the proof that they weren't misquoted, but I didn't think it would change the landscape of blogs and websites like it has.

You can snail mail a check to
PO BOX: 66310
Los Angeles, CA 90066
While we do enjoy winning awards from the Villagers, it's not the reason I started C&L. It was to bring to you complete coverage of the political media on TV, radio and print. and much of America until bloggers manned the Internet and we were at the forefront of that movement. We've expanded our mission since the beginning with the formation of the awesome Blue America PAC, LNMC (Late Nite Music Club), the newly added Occupy America , and of course all the videos you'd ever care to watch on Video Cafe. We do original investigative reporting, Live Chats and interviews with the movers & shakers of the day as well.
So I hope you can help us continue our mission. By the way, C&L or myself have never received any payment from all the work we do on Blue America and the same goes for Digby and Howie Klein. You can't say that about many other PAC's out there.
All the monies collected will go to support the staff and webs site. A new front design will be released next year.
Anyway, thanks so much for all the kindness you have shown us through our now eight years of existence. (I can't believe it's been that long now)
John Amato
Founder of Crooksandliars.com