Pam's House Blend: Mark Foley is turning the page.
Jed Lewison: For today's Party of Lincoln, there's no such thing as slavery, only "slavery reparations."
No More Mister Nice Blog: Chickenhawk Joe Barton proclaims himself General Patton in the Republican war on Obama.
Mad Kane: A limerick on Obama's premature concession syndrome.
David E.'s Fablog: Virginia county official warns enhanced TSA pat-downs are part of the radical gay agenda.
Annie Lowrey: Simpson-Bowles deficit commission to present report Wednesday but vote on it Friday. "Be afraid. Very afraid."
Speaking of which, your quote of the day: "Reagan proved deficits don't matter." (Dick Cheney)
Guest blogging Mike's Blog Round Up this week is Jon Perr from Perrspectives. Send your tips, recommendations, comments and angst to mbr AT perrspectives DOT com.