July 27, 2013

Heritage House '76 employee talking up the fetus doll sets

This is so creepy. It's 2010 all over again, except this time it's North Dakota instead of Virginia. AlterNet:

North Dakota pro-lifers may have recently lost in federal court their bid to ban abortions at six weeks, ("Unconstitutional," said a federal judge), but that hasn't stopped them from trying everything they can to win the battle against choice.

In a particularly creepy ploy, anti-choicers slipped squishy fetus toys into children's candy bags during a parade at North Dakota State Fair. The doll, called "The Precious One," is manufactured by Heritage House, a pro-life store, and retails for $1.50 apiece, less if you buy them in bulk, which apparently the pro-lifers did, since there were lots of five- and six-year-olds running around squeezing, throwing and playing with their squeezable fetus toys afterwards.

And for those politically correct, non-racist anti-abortion activists, fetus dolls can be purchased in various ethnicities, too. Dropping those into kids' goodie bags just seems ghoulish and without much of a point.

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