So our Congress is playing pre-pubescent stupid reindeer games now. Here is today's House session. It opens with the prayer and the pledge, and as Steny Hoyer comes to the House floor to introduce a unanimous consent resolution to approve the Senate bill extending unemployment insurance and the payroll tax holiday for two months until a longer-term bill can be negotiated.
This follows the revelation that the so-called heated caucus meeting with Boehner ahead of yesterday's debacle in the House was really just a man-moment where they shared their favorite Braveheart moments.
If you watch the clip, you’ll notice that Rep. Michael Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.), who was presiding over the House session at the time, got out of the Speaker’s chair and left the chamber altogether. Other Republicans joined him. Hoyer, of course, noticed, and explained, “You’re walking out, you’re walking away, just as so many Republicans have walked away from middle class taxpayers, the unemployed, and … those who will be seeking medical assistance from their doctors.”
When Hoyer finished speaking and turned to Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) to continue the debate, GOP leaders demanded that C-SPAN turn off the cameras so the public couldn’t hear the debate any more.
I know Republicans think they’re in “Braveheart” but I don’t remember the scene in the movie in which William Wallace decided he’d rather run away than fight.
This made me want to go donate to the Blue America candidates. You?