I love me some Sally Kohn. She's one of the few who can go on Fox News as a liberal and actually talk like a liberal, as opposed to the faux types they usually put on. Sally is also probably the only person I know who can write something like this
February 14, 2013

I love me some Sally Kohn. She's one of the few who can go on Fox News as a liberal and actually talk like a liberal, as opposed to the faux types they usually put on. Sally is also probably the only person I know who can write something like this on the Fox News website:

In other words, every single idea and initiative that President Obama outlined in his State of the Union Address will not only strengthen our economic standing as a nation but also falls squarely within the values and priorities of the majority of American voters. Those trying to argue otherwise are obviously intoxicated by the recycled air of their own ideological bubble. A bubble that, by any realistic measure of popular opinion or electoral power, is clearly shrinking.

Who recycles that air? Wouldn't be Fox News, now would it?

Megyn Kelly doesn't seem to mind that Sally takes on the wildest of the wild corporate self-promoting Young Gun types, and anyone else they throw at her with equal parts snark and ferocity. Sally wins,, too, just like she did in this segment. Sally faced off with Ben Ferguson, the "America's youngest nationally syndicated talk radio host" and legend in his own mind.

After beginning the segment with a reprise of Charles' Krauthammer's pronouncement that President Obama wants "European-style social democracy," Kelly let Ferguson and Kohn go at each other. Long story short: Kohn repeated President's Obama's contention that he is looking for equality of opportunity, but Shapiro could not seem to understand that and instead went on and on about some kind of economic equality basis to the president's philosophy. That's just a convoluted way of trying to say that a whole lot of Americans are moochers in Ben's small, crowded mind.

KOHN: Look, we're a nation that was founded on the principle of fairness and the idea that people at the top and people at the bottom if they work hard should be able to get ahead. If you want to make things up about the president that's fine, but the fact is, the president isn't talking about equality of outcomes, he's talking about equality of opportunity.

Hard-working Americans know the facts. American businesses have become more profitable in the last generation while wages have been stagnant, or in fact have just gone down. That's not fair. That's not fair.

FERGUSON: This is exactly what I'm talking about, which is what you think.You think that any person that creates wealth, that any person that does that on their own, somehow got some unfair advantage and so now you want to change the laws so that that those --

You assume that everyone at the bottom is working hard, trying to survive. The president said it. He believes genuinely that there is a certain amount of arbitrary success that Americans are allowed to have before he starts taking from that success and giving it to people and then somehow their lives are going to be complete. That is not what made this country great.

KOHN: Ben, you seem to think that everyone who is struggling to get by in this country is simply lazy. 25 percent of Americans who earn low wages are working parents who are earning the minimum wage or lower.

I'm just going to make two points quietly while uttering a silent scream. First, no one "creates wealth." Wealth is obtained by figuring out a way to get people to give you part of what they have in exchange for something you have, or something you've invented. In the past 20 years, the inventions have been mostly technology and fancy financial convolutions intended to relieve people of their money and place it in the pockets of hedge fund managers and bankers. In Ben's case, he's figured out how to make money by getting advertisers to pay for a young know-it-all to spew nonsense on the air. He didn't create that. He just exploits it.

Second, no one does it by themselves. No one.This arrogant belief that it was their hard work and their hard work alone, with no assistance from anyone anywhere ever is nonsense. It's exactly the same issue parents confront when one of their children doesn't want to share with the other. Unfortunately, they don't seem to have absorbed the lesson.

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